First step - a free trial session


My promise to you

My aim is to have you sailing back into the world under your own steam, without the need for any other guidance than your own inner wisdom. I do this by helping you to make your unconscious processes conscious and by connecting with your self-healing strength and inner compass.


It is not unusual for clients to ask how long it might take to solve the issue that brought them into therapy.

I believe fifteen sessions to be the minimum for gaining the insight and thirty sessions the optimum. However, some issues may be resolved more quickly, while others, such as childhood trauma and sexual abuse will take a lot longer.

So how does it work?


In the first five sessions we will gain an insight into how your current issue might be related to older, more persistent patterns and we will get a sense of your inner landscape as it relates to the hurt, frustration or sorrow you are experiencing.

In the ten sessions that follow we begin to explore the new and innovative ways you can navigate through this inner landscape. Why a 'no' is blocked, even though your intelligent, rational self knows you need to set boundaries. Why relationships keep repeating the same patterns even though you could write a book about what keeps going wrong.


At the end of these first fifteen sessions you will hopefully have reached a deeper understanding about the challenges and the wounds that brought your 'presenting issue' to the fore, their roots in earlier life, and possible ways of reframing these fears to begin to live a healthier and self-caring life. Your will also be in a better position to decide for yourself how you want to proceed with our work.


Some clients feel enough inner strength and purpose to build on their insights and continue their internal work without the support of therapy. Others will choose to continue a little longer to be supported in the work of transforming deep-rooted patterns and effect lasting change.


The first fifteen sessions are best conducted weekly, after that we may both decide that fortnightly or monthly sessions will be adequate.


However, all that said… you are in charge of how much and how often you want to make use of my services. If I have grave concerns about your mental health and feel your choices would impact them detrimentally, then I will always discuss this with you openly.


10% discount for ten session package.

I warmly invite you to book a free half hour try out session conducted online.

I feel all prospective clients should have the opportunity to meet with me without any obligation to get a sense of whether I would be a correct ‘fit’ for them. It also offers me the chance to explain how I might help you.